Tag: Careers

The One Word That Can Shatter Your Career

There’s one word that can do more harm than any other when it comes to your career. Using it cuts the legs out from underneath your credibility. It is one that too many people use… and the trouble is that they don’t even know that they are using it. What is this powerful word? It’s… Read more »

Résumés and Online Portfolios Need to Pop in 2015

Résumés and online portfolios need to stand out visually, from this point forward. Why? Humans, are, for the most part, visual creatures. And we pay attention to things that catch our eye. We simply can’t help it. This is now becoming true with résumés and online portfolios. While we’ve resisted the urge to make our… Read more »

Don’t Achieve the “Peter Principle” in Your Career

The Peter Principle. It’s a real thing. Don’t know what it is? Basically, it is the concept that people get promoted to the highest level of their own incompetence. In simple terms, you could be the top sales person who gets promoted to director of sales as a reward… because you are doing so awesome… Read more »

Never Undersell Yourself… Ever

Never undersell yourself.  I know it is difficult sometimes because many job seekers are constantly having to shift their tactics to try and align their backgrounds as closely as possible to position openings. Oftentimes, they find that they might seem overqualified to the prospective employer, and therefore, for the lack of a better description, “dumb… Read more »