Category: In The Workplace

Job Titles can be Deceiving

Job titles can be deceiving in many ways. Sometimes, it’s your current boss / company who is pretty stingy with how job titles are structured. Other times, it is a simple lack of understanding about what the job entails that results in a poorly-created job title. So, what do you do when you hit either… Read more »

Should You Connect on Social Media with Co-Workers?

Connecting on social media with co-workers can be some of the most rewarding activities… or one of the most awkward, divisive ones. Because we spend so much time at work, it’s easy to fall into an easy comfort zone with co-workers. Heck, some of my best friends (20 years later) are people with whom I… Read more »

When Your Job is Literally Killing You

When your job is literally killing you, it’s time to pay attention. Cases in point: I was at a conference this past week providing career coaching advice, and three separate individuals sat down in front of me with two very different stories about how their job was hurting them.   One person was in a… Read more »

The Secret to Phenomenal Career Growth

Career growth is something that frequently gets derailed and stagnated. Oftentimes, we get stuck in jobs because the work we are doing demands a rigorous routine and our complete focus. Being consumed by our work means that it consumes our attention away from our career. If you are feeling like you are in a rut… Read more »